
The Think Tank has been mostly an American phenomenon; in USA, in fact, it exists for more than a century. The Think Tank activity exists to help rulers "to think".

Our activity is addressed to everyone, especially to the national and local administrators, in order to promote and develop ideas bringing about shared solutions for the public interest.

Through the Networking activity is possible to organize events with public and private personalities to better understand the present society and its different aspects.

Both the public and our members are involved in an active debate where ideas become Project-Up, that is followed up to its practical realization by the "team" of our organization along with institutions and enterprises involved: from proposal, to planning and realization.


Three Pillars

1. Think Tank
Activity of debate and proposal organized through public events that allow J! to talk with private and public personalities.

2. Networking
Activity of public and institutional relations that allow J! to activate its own network both in Italy and overseas by creating a system to connect its partners.

3. Project-Up
Activity that allows two or more than two partners to present and concretize an idea or to invest on selected Start-ups.



Janua interacts with lots of categories and interlocutors that are the so-called stakeholders, that is those which have a direct or indirect connection with J! and, therefore, they arouse interest towards its activity.

Janua acts both within the host community and the world of Italian and international Think Tanks, so, besides the subjects that have a connection with J!, it’s necessary to consider those that still have just a potential relation.

J! takes great care over the public as main stakeholder.

Furthermore, among stakeholders it is possible to identify: members, collaborators, local authorities, Think Tanks and foundations that have the same goal, public institutions, universities and private enterprises, service societies, suppliers, sponsors, publishers and mass-media in general.


Institutional partners:

- Città di Genova
- Camera di Commercio di Genova
- Embassy of Bangladesh in Italy
- Consulate of the Republic
- of South Africa (Genoa)


I partner:

- Liguria International
- Genova High Tech S.p.A.
- Ecomission S.R.L.
- Società di Letture
- e Conversazioni Scientifiche
- Italy-South Africa Association
- Connect*Foundation


Organizations supported by Janua:

- Pubblica Assistenza Croce Rosa (Genova)
- Italian Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Società Italiana di Alcologia Ligure




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The use, copy and distribution of documents and their images available in this website are allowed only by written permission (or equally valid for legal purposes) issued by the Board of Directors, with the exception of the rights of our partners. Copyright notes, mentioned authors or the source itself must be, in any case, quoted in all publications realized and distributed in any form.